ACHIVEMENTS NABIN KULI of class 12th commerce reached national level football in the under-19 age group 9 August 2023 Nabin Kuli is a student of 12th Commerce and a very good football player. Due to his outstanding skills, he has reached national level football games in India held every…
ACHIVEMENTS SCHOOL NEWS 33 Students of JNV TINSUKIA got selected for national level games meet – Proud moment! 9 August 2023 National games and sports meet is held annually all over India. many students from junior to senior are seen participating in the competition. Games are held so that all-around development…
ACHIVEMENTS SCHOOL NEWS REGIONAL YOGA MEET 2023- 2024 4 August 2023 Students of JNV TINSUKIA participating in regional yoga meet. Regional level yoga meet is being conducted under Shillong region. 6 students of our Vidyalaya from different houses and classes participated…